From The Narwhal: Carbon Cache Series

This series from The Narwhal takes a look at the role of Canada’s natural landscapes in the fight against climate change.

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Photo Credit: Amber Bracken | The Narwhal


What do wetlands, forests, grasslands, farmlands all have in common? They all have the potential to store tremendous amounts of carbon.


A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in 2017 found these so-called nature-based climate solutions could provide more than one-third of the emissions reductions needed to stabilize global temperature increases below 2 C by 2030 under the Paris Accord.


For countries with vast landscapes, the idea of these nature-based climate fixes created quite the buzz.


Those findings also thrust Canada — home to 25 per cent of Earth’s wetlands and boreal forests, as well as endangered prairie grasslands and the world’s longest coastline — into playing a vital role in the global fight against climate change.

Read the full series at

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