2021 Joe Burke Journalism Fund for Social Justice Reporting

West End Phoenix is welcoming proposals for a series of pieces, rooted in the West End of Toronto, with a social issue at their core.

Find out more at westendphoenix.com

West End Phoenix is welcoming proposals for a series of pieces, rooted in the West End of Toronto, with a social issue at their core – including but not limited to racial justice, LGBTQ+ issues, ability, housing affordability, the arts, sports culture, and health, food and internet access – with an emphasis on underreported facets of life in the city that have a deep impact on how residents disenfranchised by the system live.


The series – to be unfurled in related reported or visual pieces – will be published in the West End Phoenix, in print and online.


This project is being supported by a $10,000 endowment created by Donald Bayne, Mark Ertel and Hal Mattson. These funds will go to the recipient to research and produce reported pieces, in collaboration with the West End Phoenix editorial team. Submissions open Monday November 16 and close Friday December 18. The recipient will be announced in the new year.

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